aston's champion parade playground (burt-kur-min reserve), craigieburn
/This park takes Mamma right back to when she was a little girl - such excitement. Not only does it resemble a tree house, it's a climbers heaven.
From rope ladders to walking tunnels divided by little nest like huts, this place is super cute. There is even a little toddler hub for the little ones with soft landings so nobody gets hurt. You will also find the park also includes swings, slide, see saw and a zooming flying fox. Perfect for everyone!
Mamma's special mention: Check out some of the other awesome Peet parks in the north;
Aston’s ‘Traffic Park’ Observation Park, Craigieburn (right around the corner!)
Aston’s Debonair Parade Park Craigieburn Park
the nitty gritty
pram accessible drinking fountains - shelter - bike and walking trails
click here for more parks in the NORTH