wombat bend playspace, templestowe lower

Wombat Bend has got a wonderful reputation - Mamma can see why. It has everything. A maze with interactive Marco Polo buttons. Noisy stomping bridges. A sand pit with its own water and tunnel system. Slides. Swings. Cubbies and climbing frames. But what this park is known for is the flying foxes and bat-winged spinning wheel. Kids were lining up for ages waiting for their turn on the bat wings and flying from one end to the other. The park is fully fenced and is laced with beautiful carved wombats and other tile art through out, including a map - just in case you get lost. There are lots of pathways and grasses to walk through too. It is nice that there is plenty of natural elements that act as screens between activities - it feels like it is huge! Just outside the gates too is a nature play centre where children are encouraged to build bush cubbies - Oh how Mamma LOVES a bush hut!! The playground sits beside the Yarra and has wonderful picnic facilities around.  

Mamma’s special mentions: If you are needing refuelling head up to Power Plant!

the nitty gritty

BBQs - toilets - picnic - good shade - fully fenced - walking and riding trails nearby - water fountain - sand - water play

Duncan Street, Templestowe Lower

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